

The following conversation took place on a southwest train service from London Waterloo to Guilford between the two awesome personas of Robert Tatnell (more known as the infamous sparkly-FX-man on Fable 3, Mistaaah Spaahkoooh) and Maddy (who also goes under the name of Sir Cakealot, van der Posht, and occasionally just Madeleine).

Maddy - Maria is going to China soon... God. China!! You know, I AM going to visit her. I just have to. I saw pictures of her flat and it really looks amazing... And I checked out tickets, not too expensive if you book in advance.
Rob - Yeah? I thought her flat would be super small considering the amount of people in Shanghai.
Maddy - No it’s huge! I mean its got a dining room. A DINING room.
Rob - Meeeh!
Maddy - You should come with me. I'm going for a week and she'll be working during daytime....
Rob - Meeeh.
Maddy - I can't run around in Shanghai all alone!!! Or I can, but you know.... it would be so much fun if you'd come too!
Rob - Meeeeh... meeh. Need to save up money now I'm... FTE... *sincere look, rubbing it in*
Maddy - Yes yes but just THINK! You... me.... roaming the streets of China.... doing mischief...
Rob - Mischief. Like what?
Maddy - Well I don’t know... Maybe stealing things!!? Yeah, stealing things.
Rob - Meeeh, NOT sure stealing things is a good idea in communist China. Prison isn’t that great I heard...
Maddy - Oh. I don’t really steal things. I would never REALLY steal things. Except flowers. I only steal flowers, that’s about the only thing I've ever stolen, is flowers.
Rob - Ok, so we will run around Shanghai stealing flowers... but what do we do with them? Do we bring them back to England?
Maddy - Yes! ...yes.
Rob - I doubt you'd get them through security check on the airport...
Maddy - Maybe we could run from the guards?
Rob - ...We'd have to eat the flowers to get them through the security check I think...
Maddy - Yeah. Well run from the security guards and if they're starting to catch up we'll just eat the flowers. We'll go "..TRY STOP ME NOW MWOAHAHAAHA..." Because clearly they can’t stop us. We will get the flowers to England.
Rob - Yeah!
Andrzej - *silence*

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