I learned two things from last time we thought The Legion was a good idea. There is a queue, a long one considering its The Legion and not somewhere where people actually choose to go rather than simply ending up there because they're too drunk to know any better. Then I learned that The Legion is NOT the same thing as The Royal British Legion. Oli told me as much a couple weeks ago, but I just didn’t want to listen. Not that I knew what The Royal British Legion was anyway, but it had a better ring to it. At least this time I didn’t stand waving my arms to the sky screaming "Let's go! I want to join the Royal British Legion!!". And I did get a good collection of heads in my bag. DJs heads, bartenders heads, random peoples heads. Good times.
The "Bag Rape" pose. My new Fav.
See what I mean?
the last image.. scary.. just scary